
Cody Bollinger Talks TUF Pranks - Revgear's The Ultimate Fighter 8 Insider Blog - Episode 5

Posted by Revgear on Oct 3rd 2013

ultimate fighter ronda rousey miesha

This week’s fight on The Ultimate Fighter 18 was intense! David Grant came out and put the pressure on Louis Fisette from the second the fight started to the second that the ref stopped it. Both fighters came out swinging until David connected and took over from the early exchanges. David looked really good with his striking and grappling exchanges and pushed the pace with controlled aggression which made it a great fight to sit back and watch.

You all saw the coaches on Team Tate do their prank and it was funny but the part they didn't show was the fact that they also brought in about 50 laminated pictures of the Russian lady from the movie Dodgeball and called her Ronda and Edmonds love child and hung them up all over the UFC gym. I couldn't help but laugh. It was pretty funny and I couldn't wait to see the reactions. The part I thought was kind of lame was usually in between practices the opposing coaches see each other in the gym or lobby as you've seen in previous episodes. Well Miesha, Bryan and Dennis Hallman decided to run out and leave early so that Team Rousey couldn't confront them on the prank and I thought that was kind of a "sissy" thing to do. When I do a prank I do it for the reaction and they just left like scared kids.

This weeks upcoming fight is in my opinion the very best fight of the females throughout the show! Raquel Pennington and Jessamyn Duke brought it! Neither backed down as neither faded away both going blow for blow and fought until the end like their lives were at stake. Make sure you don't miss next week! If you watch only one episode of TUF this is the one!

Comment on this blog at who you think will win the fight between Raquel and Jessamyn and how they will get the W and I’ll send you a signed Revgear t-shirt as well as a $25.00 gift card for!