On March 21, Rervgear sponsored fighter
John Rivera competed at the Mercer County Nationals in New Jersey, hosted by Master Ivan Mendes. There he won First Place in Soft Style forms, Soft Style weapons and Continuous Sparring. He also won Grand Championships in Weapons and Continuous Sparring.
John does not stop – he soon will be traveling to Sydney, Australia, as part of the US Martial Arts Team for the 4th World Martial Arts Games. Over 20 countries and more than 1000 athletes will be participating in this event.
John was given the high honor of being named the US team’s Kung Fu Coach. He’s also coaching their continuous fighting athletes. This team includes fighters, grapplers, jiu-jitsu experts, forms competitors and more. John believes this team represents the best martial artists from the USA. The athletes on the US Team compromise every art, including karate, taekwondo, kung fu, wushu, kenpo, kobudo, and jiu-jitsu.
Revgear wishes luck to John and the US Team!