
Revgear’s Martial Arts Blogger Contest

Feb 16th 2010

Hey Martial Artists, MMA Fans, and Enthusiasts!

As a dedicated member of the sport, how would you like to WIN some great stuff just by sharing what you know about Martial Arts and MMA?

Whether a student, gym owner, instructor, or fan, sign up for the Revgear “Martial Arts Blogger” contest! You can win some awesome Revgear equipment and apparel in just 3 easy steps!

Here’s what you do to participate:

Step 1- get a FREE blog hosted by Yovia for Revgear by going here:

Step 2- create a blog name [Example: mmafanatic, karateking, mauythaiblogger] and send it to along with your name and email address. We won’t know you’ve entered the contest unless you send us your blog name, your name and address, so don’t skip this step!

Step 3- Start writing! Talk about what you know relating to Martial Arts and MMA – training, competing, your favorite fighters, your favorite tournaments, what you love about the sport, your “must-do” training tips every one should know, product reviews… it’s anything you want to share about Martial Arts and MMA! Then spread the word by telling fellow students, instructors, family and friends about your blog. Encourage anyone who knows you to read it.

Revgear, maker of awesome MMA gear, wants to be a part of YOUR MMA experience. Please be sure to share why you like Revgear products. You can talk about their gear, you can talk about their fighters. You can even talk about their ring girls! Tell us what you think about Revgear, and about Martial Arts and MMA in general in your blog.


How to Win: If your blog is the one that gets the most traffic out of all the Martial Arts and MMA blogs during the contest period, you’ll win the grand prize of Revgear stuff! We’re talking a gear bag, tee shirt, fight shorts, training gloves, pro leather gloves and hand wraps-- a $218 retail value! Win all that gear if you get the most people visiting your blog! Second prize (for the second-highest amount of traffic) is 20%* off a purchase at Revgear. *Discount does not apply to other Revgear offers or clearance items.

The contest starts February 22 and ends March 22, which gives you one month to get your free blog, start writing and get people to read what you have to say! Be sure to spread the word at your gym or school, on Facebook, Twitter and anywhere else you usually post. If your blog gets the most impressions during the February 22 - March 22 Martial Art/MMA contest, you’ll win the great Revgear stuff. Simple!

Got any questions? Email us at

Good luck!


PS - Read the Terms and Conditions for the contest .

PPS- Yovia is an approved vendor of Revgear Sports.