
Punch Shield With Some Twists

Nov 11th 2011

Punch Shield With Some Twists

Written by Gary Edwards, Head MMA coach at Laurel Mountain MMA, North Carolina.

Since a large portion of my time spent in the gym is consumed by holding focus mitts, thai-pads, and taking punches and knees to a body shield…I’m always looking for an alternative piece of equipment to give my shoulders a break and introduce new angles to my fighters.

I’ve never been a big fan of the basic punch shield. I thought they were best suited for football practice and my main reason for this was the lack of dimensions on the pad itself. I found that a lot of guys including myself were practicing bad habits on the shield in order to prevent wrist injuries. Plus kicks were awkward in fear of kicking the pad holder in the groin or arms.

Well, I’ve found the solution to this problem, my punch-kick crazy friends! Revgear created a multi angled shield that is perfect for all striking combinations. The pad also has six handles featured throughout so you can switch angles and turn the shield up, down, or sideways to maximize the effectiveness of your offensive game. No more worries or adjusting proper technique in order to prevent injuries. Strap yourself in and glue this pad to your body, and let your training partner do all the work! I give this pad 2 FISTS UP!