
Team Knuckle Up Sweeps Titles at NAGA

Oct 18th 2011

Team Knuckle Up refused to come home empty handed at NAGA this year, adding eight 1st place and five 2nd place titles to their team record.

From left to right; Jason Freidman placed 1st in purple and advanced no gi, Tecia Torres placed 1st in advanced no gi, 2nd in gi, and 2nd in a higher weight class. Laura Hart placed 1st in gi, 1st in no gi, and 1st in a higher weight class, and Moe Travis placed 1st in gi and 2nd in no gi. Jerry Calle placed 2nd in directors advanced gi and no gi, and Gui Cury placed 1st in advanced no gi. Revgear recognizes Knuckle Up's hard work and congratulations their victories.

Team Knuckle Up Sweeps Titles at NAGA