Thank You Revgear University - Paul Reavlin
Posted by Revgear on Aug 8th 2014
Thank you to everyone that was a part of Revgear University. The event was everything I envisioned and more. I can’t recall a time in my 18 years in this industry where so many great minds were collaborating to grow our sport.
When I envisioned Revgear University I wanted to bring a conference together that was more than a trade show, more than just an awards ceremony. I wanted a rewarding, participation based event with a ton of take home value. So I put together a list of instructors and presenters that I felt could share their knowledge with you all. I made an event that I would love to attend, as I am very passionate about Martial Arts.
I told everyone as we put this together that I wanted it to be 80/20 Training to Business. As I saw the hard work, the sweat and the dedication that was put in during all the various courses this weekend I know that we did something different and something special. As I walked around I could tell we were 100% immersed into growing the sport of Martial Arts.
Many of us sat together on Saturday night at the Revgear University Owners Roundtable and we discussed things like where our industry would be in 10 years and what we can do to continue to grow. On Sunday as many of you prepared to depart Revgear University I was able to speak with you, and I could tell that so many of you were energized and ready to get back to your schools to improve for the future.
A very special Thank You as well to all of those who presented and have been so supportive of the Revgear brand over the years. Darren Levine, Erik Paulson, Mark DellaGrotte, Katalin Rodriguez Ogren, Pete Hardy, Apolo Ladra, Chris Stolzman, Steve Maxwell, Jon Pascal, Shannon Hudson, Roland Osborne, Kevin Hudson, Mike Chat, Jordan McCreery, Hans Molenkamp and Tim Kennedy. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge with others in our field so that they can grow their business and further develop the Martial Arts that we all love.
For those of you who missed the inaugural Revgear University, you missed out. However, we’re headed to Sacramento, CA on Novemeber 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th of this year and we will be back in San Antonio in 2015 at STW San Antonio May 14th – 17th, 2015.
Thank all again and I hope to see you soon at an upcoming Revgear University event.
- Paul Reavlin, President - Revgear