
Win A “Rampage” Jackson UFC 130 Walkout Tee

May 25th 2011

Revgear is hosting a contest on its social media outlets.  The winner will get the hot new "Rampage" Jackson UFC 130 Walkout Tee. There are 3 ways to enter, you can pick one or do all three, but each type counts for only 1 entry no matter how many times you do them.
  1. Leave us a comment on this blog post about which matchup you’re most excited about for UFC 130 and why.
  2. Follow us on twitter AND tweet the link to the shirt telling us why you want the t-shirt (tweet MUST include @Revgear and this link: - ex: I want the Rampage Jackson walkout tee from @Revgear because he is an amazing fighter!
  3. Become our fan on Facebook AND share this post with your friends on facebook (you can do this with the facebook icon at the bottom of the post)
The winner will be picked at random (using from all entries. Contest opens: 9am PST 5/26/11 Contest closes: 4pm PST 5/27/11 Winner picked: 5pm PST 5/27/11 Winner announced through twitter & facebook: 5:30pm 5/27/11 & announced on the blog 6/1/11 Good luck to everyone!