
Aidan Claproth, Young Revgear Fighter

Apr 20th 2010

Aidan Claproth, 12, has been training in MMA since he was eight. In those four years he has come a long way. Aidan’s fighting disciplines/styles include Jiu Jitsu, BJJ, USJA Judo, Boxing, MMA/Grappling, Wrestling. Aidan trains under Tony Scott Allen of Combined Martial Science in Chino, CA. Aidan competed in numerous USJA Judo, BJJ, Grappling, MMA and Pankration tournaments on the West Coast, Nevada and Hawaii. Aidan’s Pankration fighting record is 13-6-1. He is also a 3-time GrapplingX Youth Pankration Champion. Aidan’s other interests include football, stop-motion photography, skateboarding, hiking, Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Kings and UCLA football and basketball. He hopes to soon join the police department’s youth program and one day work in law enforcement.

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